London Imperial Charing Cross Hospital Aldosterone and Renin Service

The steroid laboratory was one of the first to measure aldosterone and other steroids in plasma by radioimmunoassay and was designated an SAS laboratory in 1974. Measurement of reproductive hormones was devolved to regions during the 1980s leaving the laboratory free to concentrate on the measurement of aldosterone and renin. Low staff turnover in the laboratory means that there is considerable experience in the interpretation of results in samples from patients with a wide variety of suspected disorders of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system.

Director: Mrs Sophie Barnes
Deputy Director: Dr Lataben Seyan

Aldosterone and Renin Service
SAS Laboratories,
Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Medical Oncology,
Ground Floor,
Charing Cross Hospital,
Fulham Palace Road,
W6 8RF.

Tel: +44 (0)20 3311 5181
Fax: +44 (0)20 3311 5184